Why the Blue Door?

blue door mazatlan

I believe that every house has a story it wants to tell. From the moment we walked into our Casa Santorini, we knew we needed to step up and breathe life back into the house. From concept to design to delivering a finished product there was never a decision we made hastily.

Some decisions, however, were more challenging than most. Such as, what to paint the exterior of the house. As we contemplated and reviewed the best color combinations there was never a moment where we knew we were making the right choice.

That is, until we looked at the house’s original facade. We noticed the original facades’ color was dirty from the lack of maintenance. It was covered in soot, dirt, grime, dust and water stains from rain.

I took a hammer and knocked off a piece of the facade, cleaned up the block and took it to a Comex (a paint supply store) to match the color. Once the color was duplicated we knew right away how the facade needed to look. White exterior with a blue front door.

When we were looking for advice we found it in the house. It is my belief the house was waiting for the moment when her dark and gloomy destiny turned around and became light and airy. No amount of research could’ve ever given us the answers we were looking for on what to paint the exterior. So, we turned to the house and that was how a blue front door gave way to our Casa Santorini.

Sophia Boccard

Sophia Boccard is a digital marketing strategist in the hospitality industry with over a decade of marketing experience.


Our Challenges with the Facade


Our Challenges With Choosing the Perfect House to Flip