Top 5 Outdoor Plants for Tropical Environments

Hopefully you had a chance to read our other post about the Top 5 Indoor Plants for Tropical Environments if not, check it out here. Here we were on a hunt looking for the best Outdoor plants that could sustain a tropical environment. Think hot, humid and very wet summers. If you have any unused outdoor space make sure to add some of these choices. These plants will round out your house as you look to liven up your patio or garden.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)


The Hibiscus, when provided large amounts of sunshine and water, will bloom non-stop throughout its season. The Hibiscus comes in a wide array of colors (which attracts colorful butterflies) that can be a great complement to your color scheme.

Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)


The Jasmine will provide a two punch advantage to a patio or garden. It’s fragrance and height (due to its twining vine). Make sure it gets medium to full sunlight and that it is watered regularly to get the best blooms during its season.

Pentas (Pentas lanceolata)


The Pentas are usually found in shades of red, purple, pink and white. Scatter some pots of Pentas in your patio and you’ll have butterflies and hummingbirds as your guests. Give them full sun with well drained soil (average water) and you’ll be all set.

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea glabra)


The Bougainvillea is a vigorous vine that does well in sunny/dry climates. They thrive best with a full day of sun and once they are established they only need a deep watering every 3-4 weeks. Best of all, it’s vibrant colors of white, purple, pink, magenta, red, orange, or yellow will look great in your patio or garden.

Orchid (Orchidaceae)


The Orchid has tens of thousands of species. It will be your heart’s content to choose which colors you’d like in your garden or patio. Just don’t go overboard at first as these can be tricky to maintain. Don’t let that deter you and pick one to see how it goes. It best to use a pot with good drainage and provide filtered light in order to help your Orchid thrive.

While there are an abundance of outdoor plants for the tropics, I know, weird right? We needed to compromise and show you our favorite ones to work with. Did you add any plants to your patio? If so, which ones? Drop us a line and tell us about it!


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