Starting to blog again...

Socrates Sr. wearing a black shirt and jeans, Sophia standing in front with a black baby sling wearing baby Socrates glasses a blue shirt and black pants. They are both standing in front of big block letters spelling out Mazatlan.

Recently someone told us (looking at you Manny and Jose!!) that we should start documenting all of our own experiences that we’ve encountered while living in Mazatlan, Mexico.

It’s been a hot minute since we decided to pull a fast one on ourselves and make the leap to move down to Mexico from NYC. And yet, so much has happened in the last 3 years that we never thought to put into writing all the hurdles we’ve gone through to make it to this point.

Simply put, we’ve had many more challenges than triumphs living here in Mexico. The nuances that come with exploring a new culture and environment all the while trying to get a brand new business up and running prove to be demanding, seemingly soul-sucking and discouraging to say the least. But we’re still here. We’re still pushing through. We’re still learning.

We hope that our experiences can be something that can serve as a teaching moment for anyone interested in learning. Thank you, reader, for following us on our journey and we hope you love reading our posts as much as we enjoy storytelling our experiences.

Stay tuned for more posts…

xo Sophia y Socrates (and baby Soc)

Sophia Boccard

Sophia Boccard is a digital marketing strategist in the hospitality industry with over a decade of marketing experience.


Our First Child... Casa Santorini


Support Our Local Businesses: La Fabula